Saturday, January 31, 2009

First Ever Blog

My name is Wesley Sykes. I am a 21-year old junior at Hofstra University. I'm studying print journalism with hopes of becoming a sports writer. I'm from Sagamore Beach, Massachusetts. Yes, I am a "Masshole". I root for all the Boston sports teams, sometimes in the most obnoxious ways. I despise New York teams. The Jets, Giants, Yankees, Mets, Knicks..hell even the Nets. Yes, there have been times where I've enjoyed the sight of the Yankees losing more than sex. I love it. I have very strong feelings towards the sports world and I'm not afraid to say them. That's what I hope to bring to this blog: a brash, raw, Bostonian point of view. Some may hate it, some may love it. But I would love to hear feedback on the topics, so don't hold back. And neither will I! Here are some of my favorite videos just to get the juices flowin...

1 comment:

Daniel Troisi said...

As a fan of the Bombers, these videos make me cringe haha, especially the first one.

I still wake up in cold sweats, reliving the "Bloody Sock" game.