Monday, March 8, 2010

I knew it... Britney Griner really is a Dude

From the beginning when I first saw this "chick" I've been saying there is no way that isn't a dude. This just goes to prove my point even further. Here's a clip of Baylor's Brittney Griner Punching another girl straight in the face during a game the other night. I don't care what you say, shes either a dude, a hermaphrodite or just a chick that takes ridiculous amounts of steroids. This can't be a girl from her size and just listen to it's voice in the interview I posted below. Goddamn that's a Huge Bitch. In all my years watching sports I have never seen a punch thrown by a chick in a bball game. Either that's a dudes anger and aggression coming out, or a serious case of roid rage. My guess, It has been shaving it's balls since about the age of 10.

That's quite the large atoms apple for a chick. Just give it up bro, your cover is blown, but the Nets could use some players, all hope isn't lost for you.

1 comment:

Steve Tyler said...

Dude looks like a Lady. NOT!

Griner doesn't look like girl, sound like a girl or play like a girl. Reminds me of that old saying about ducks.

Somebody check it's shorts!