Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Improp wants to party with these three

Seriously sometimes you just ask yourself, What the fuck is going on here? This is one of those cases. Like I said last week, I'm going to try and find people every week that we here at the Improp want to party with. My hopes are that if we ever make it big, we can send out invitations to all these winners and bring them together for an Improp party. Could you imagine? That would be the biggest shit show ever and I would be all for it. So this week I have come across this three party animals. I don't even really know where to start with this picture. One granny yacking her brains out in the trash can, another looks like she digging in for more and totally ignoring the projectile vomiting occurring inches from her. The guy basically says it all in the look on his face. He looks like he took way to many drugs on the night and he's asking himself, where did I go wrong in life. Instead of analyzing this picture any further, I just decided to translate it Improp style and let you know what they were all thinking at the time of this picture.

Click on the picture to make it more clear

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