Monday, February 1, 2010

The Improp wants to party with this dude

So I think we need to make it a new segment here at the Improp, finding the people we want to party with the most. This week, I came across this gem. Meet Daniel Shilts Jr. of Waldo, Wisconsin. This guy might even have taken the cake over the other lady Wes featured a couple weeks back that had like a .7 BAC or something crazy like that.

Daniel is a 36 year old who about a year ago was pulled over and arrested for his fifth DUI. One DUI is acceptable, we all get caught sometimes even though I don’t condone drinking and driving. 2 is a problem, but you still might be able to get a job later and life and put it behind you. 3 and you know you have a problem, at that point you really need to get some help before you start harming others. But, 5! That’s just impressive. I just have to tip my cap to Daniel cause most people don’t make it into the 5 DUI club, I don’t even know how you still have a license after like 2 for gods sake.

But, Daniel wasn't content with just getting his fifth DUI, that’s not the reason we want to party with this guy. Its what he did after getting into the cop car that is priceless. When your drinking we have all been there, when you gotta go, you gotta go and there’s nothing that’s going to stop it. Unfortunately for Daniel, this was one of those times. He began relieving himself in the back of the cop car. Once again, he didn’t stop there. This moron started spraying his urine through the middle divider and got it all over the back of the officers neck while driving. I don’t even know how the cop didn't kill this dude right then and there.

Daniel was recently sentenced to a year in prison. He was booked on numerous charges, most notably being a complete moron, and on a serious note, "expelling bodily substances at a public safety worker". Yes, that’s really a charge. Daniel is an inspiration to young children everywhere and this is the reason, we want to party with this dude!

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