Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Only on Super Bowl Media Day...

Today is Super Bowl media day in Miami. And I have to tell you, it's one of the best things during the Super Bowl. It might even be better than watching the commercials. I'm just throwing that out there. But it's great. It's really the only time reporters and journalists can go out and be obnoxious douchebags and not get socked in the face by one of these behemoth players. Everyone's usually relaxed and it's a good time for both the players and reporters.

I'm sure this year will be no different. I'd love to hear what Peyton Manning has to say to Pickboy this year. Have you ever seen this guy? He's a reporter who dresses up like a superhero and acts pretty much like an attention-deficit 12-year-old. Pretty funny.

If I ever make it big in the world of journalism, I will make my way to a Super Bowl media day mark my words. And then I'll be the guy who acts like the spastic retard. Then we'll see who gets the last laugh.

Here are some funny clips from past Super Bowl Media Days.

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