Thursday, February 4, 2010

Improp goes to Vegas

So I've been gambling a little bit lately, especially after the Jets screwed me and couldn’t cover, and I cant hit a hand playing poker lately. So I've been dabbing my pen into some other sports I usually wouldn't touch such as Hockey. It's been going alright but I saw something that got me thinking. I haven't put a dollar on the upcoming Superbowl yet mainly because I have no idea who’s going to win. I really think it's a toss up going in, and at the end I can see it being a blowout by either team. I passed up and opportunity to get in on a $500 square which guarantees like over $50,000 in prize returns. If my buddy wins that square I’m going to kick myself so hard in the ass, but I am just too poor right now to risk the money. Then I saw something that got me thinking, why not just throw a shit load of money on all the ridiculous prop bets they have. I'm going to get you in on my bets and I want your feedback as to what you think. It's crazy these days you can bet on absolutely anything, here's what I’m talking about...

The National Anthem

Over/Under 1 minute 41 seconds

My bet - I think I’m going to do some research on this one, even though I’m sure that’s what Vegas has already done setting that time. My love Carrie Underwood is going to be belting out our National tune. I'm thinking it's going to be pretty drawn out so I'm throwing my money on the over. Don't let me down Carrie, sing as long as your want.

The Coach Thanks

Who will the winning head coach thank first?

No One

This really depends on who wins obviously. Either way though you would think they have to thank the players first right? They are the ones who got you there and just won it for you but I don't see that happening, for some reason I see them getting all emotional and thanking their family first. That’s a long shot.

Gatorade Prop-

What color will the Gatorade be when it gets dumped on the coach

lime green
clear, water

I have to go with Blue just cause if I had to put my life on the line, I'm taking Peyton and the Colts in this game. Their colors are blue so I'd have to assume they drink blue Gatorade? Once again I have no idea I’m just amazed you can bet on this.

How many times will CBS show Kim Kardashian on TV?

+/- 2.5 times

I have to go over with this one. The Game has become more and more geared towards the stars that attend just as much as whats going down on the field. To not show that smokeshow at least 5 times would be a crime in itself. You know you want to CBS.

Who Will Have More on Feb 7th 2010

Rory McIlroy 4th Round Score at Dubai Desert -½
Marques Colston (Saints) Receiving Yards +½

I think this one is a lock and I have to show some love to my boy Marques Colston. I played baseball at Hofstra at the same time he was playing Football. I have to pick him here too, I think he's going to have a huge game. I see him going for at least 100 yards. McIlroy will probably shoot right around a 74 I’m going to say. He has to make the cut into the weekend too so hopefully he won't even do that and I win the bet by default.

I love Vegas. There's the 5 prop bets I have decided to go with, now I need your help. Let me know what you think and if I should change anything. Also, help me win money and let me know if you think you have and locks and want to share the wealth. Leave your comments below and let your voice be heard!

Also, whatever team has the most votes in our poll of the week is who I'm going to bet in to win the game straight up no spreads so make sure you take 2 seconds and vote to your right.


Anonymous said...

gambling is a addiction...and 'The Empire' should not do it.

The Empire said...

Oh boy I wonder who this is from...