Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Blackest White Kid You Know Presents: Lil' Wayne-Live From Prison

New York(Reuters)- Rapper Lil Wayne pleaded guilty on Thursday to attempted criminal possession of a weapon in a July 2007 incident and will serve a year in prison, New York City prosecutors said.

Lil Wayne, 27, who won best rap album at the 2009 Grammy Awards and whose real name is Dwayne Carter, agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors and will be sentenced at New York State Supreme Court in February. Prosecutors said a gun was found in his tour bus in July 2007.

Carter had convinced the court earlier to delay his trial date to accommodate his performing schedule. The rapper would have faced more serious gun possession charges if the case had gone to trial, as well as a maximum 15-year prison sentence, a spokeswoman at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office said.

Carter's album, "Tha Carter III," was the biggest-selling U.S. release of 2008 and won him best rap album and three other prizes at the 2009 Grammy Awards. (Reporting by Edith Honan, Editing by Christine Kearney)

Ironic Weezy Quote of the Day from 'A Milli': "And I'd rather be pushing flowers/Than be in the 'pen sharing showers." HA!

I know I said this segment was going to be a weekly addition, but I couldn't pass this story up. I mean, is anyone really surprised by this? Weezy F. Baby is most certainly the phattest rapper on planet. Fo' sho'! But perhaps the F stands for fuck up? Because this is not the first time Wayne has had run-ins with the law.
  1. August 2006: He was arrested in Atlanta for possession of Xanax, marijuana and hydrocodene while staying in the Twelve Hotel.
  2. July 2007: Weezy was pulled over in his tourbus in New York City for the smell of marijuana. When the police searched the bus they found an unregistered gun and arrested the rapper.
  3. October 2007: He was arrested yet again in Boise, ID on felony-fugitive charges stemming from his August arrest in 2006. His lawyers blame it on a paperwork mix-up.
  4. January 2008: Police in Yuma, AZ found marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy. The trial will take place this coming March.

Now I'm no detective, but I think Wayne may have a small drug problem. I don't know, I'm just guessing here.

But the larger question is does anyone really care if someone like Lil' Wayne (Call me old-fashioned, but shouldn't it be little?) gets arrested on drugs and gun charges? I know I don't. Shit, that's half the reason why I love the guy's music; because he talks about dealing drugs, toting guns, and having threesomes with Brazilian bitches in bikinis. (Sorry Mom. It was his words not mine!) If anything this only will give him more street credit and fan fare.

My only concern for the "Best Rapper Alive" is him surviving prison. I mean, he goes by Lil' Wayne for a reason folks. The dude's not even 160 pounds soaking wet. Now he's going to have to deal with men who have earned their tatoo tears.

In honor of Lil Wayne's trouble with the law here's a video off the Drought IV mixtape, "Trouble".

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