Sunday, October 18, 2009

Yankee fans can't fill out stands for ALCS

[Editor's Note: Rehashed story from]

The Yankees are in the ALCS for the first time since — ahem — 2004. But Yankee Stadium may not be sold out tonight for Game 1 against the Angels. That would be embarrassing for the business side of the organization. 6,000 seats available as of last night through the team. Just a few minutes ago, to see what was out there, I pulled up four tickets on for section 221. OK, so they were $431 each. But they were there. The Yankees trumpeted their postseason ticket prices a few weeks ago, proudly saying they had held the line on prices. But apparently they didn’t go far enough. So if you’re a Yankees or Angels fan and in the vicinity of the Bronx tonight, seats are there to be had. Dress warm.

Wow, I saw this today and I just had to throw it up here. I can't let New Yorkers get too big of a head after last night's big win. Who's to blame here? The shitty New York fans or the shitty New York organization? Tough one to answer. Sure the ticket prices are outrageous and something should be done to lower tickets. BUT, it's the ALCS! C'mon Yankee fans step up to the plate here. Now is the chance to get the 2004 ALCS cobwebs off your face and you guys can't even fill a stadium? I know people who mortgaged off their homes to get tickets to Game 5 in 2004. You guys have no problem showing the love when Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" hits the speakers. How about showing up when A-Rod hits the game-tying home run in the rain?

The ball is in your court Yankee fans. Do something with it.

1 comment:

Wesley Sykes said...

haha I'm glad to hear it! any ideas on how to make it more welcoming to my female fans???