Thursday, October 29, 2009

In Honor of Halloween--The Scariest Boobs in the History of Boobs. Ever.......Boobs.

C'mon! You think I wasn't going to round out "Save the Ta-Tas Week" early on a Thursday? I care too much to do that. Plus, there are some tits that should be locked up in turtle necks forever. I'm sorry, but in journalism you need to get the all sides of the story.

I'm working for the weekend here so there's only 5. Plus, do you really want to look at 11 pictures of nasty, hideous, disfigured titties? Me neither. You freaks can do that on your time, thank you very much.

5. I start off with the triplet tits because as odd as it looks, I'm very intrigued. I would just like to see the bras that she wears. I have a tough enough time unhinging a normal bra, let alone one made for triplet tits. I know 2 tits are always better than 1 tit, but are 3 better than 2? Sometimes less really may be more.4. Like I said, sometimes less really is more. And where is this hog working where she can wear stripper stockings and a waaaaayyyyyyy too skimpy office skirt. Wow. I'd like to ask the guy who hired her where his dick went.
3. It looks like her breasts are running away from each other! Clearly this woman believes in the separate-but-equal act. It's too bad because she is actually pretty hot.

2. Her tits are so hard that her nipples can cut diamonds. That's a plus for the freak who marries the female version of the Terminator. I bet she likes the twirpy type. You know so she can ride on top and wear the pants.
1. Note to all teens: The hazards of anorexia without exercising. If you're going to be anorexic get on a fucking elliptical, crank that shit up to 8 with an incline of 10 and tone that shit up. No excuses.

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