Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Only Irish "Fighting" In South Bend Are The Fans!!!

No...Charlie Weis hasn't been fired yet, but reports out of South Bend have Jimmy Clausen being punched in the face by a disgruntled Notre Dame fan. According to ESPN's Joe Schad the ND star quarterback was assaulted by an "irate" fan outside a South Bend restaurant early Sunday Morning, while a female friend of Clausen looked on. Clausen had attended the restaurant with some family members and teammates.

The punch has left Clausen with an apparent swollen eye. According to a South Bend police spokesman no police report was filed over the weekend pertaining to Clausen. It is believed that the incident will not leave Clausen out of this Saturday's game against Stanford.

I'm just not really sure what this fan was thinking. I understand your upset...The Irish are underachieving, but why punch Jimmy Clausen? Clausen and Golden Tate are probably the only thing going right for ND right now.

I wonder how the Notre Dame athletic department will handle this situation...I'm sure they don't want to let the media see Clausen with this apparent swollen eye. They will probably attempt to deflect any media attention off of him.

More on this story when information comes available....

1 comment:

THE WRITER X said...

Love me or hate em you have to admit the fall of Notre Dame is kinda a sad story...Its like the fall of Rome, or any great empire.