Friday, November 20, 2009

WHY A.I.?...WHY NOT???

Donnie Walsh has decided to pass on the opportunity to sign free agent guard Allen Iverson...WHY???? Walsh Say's "the answer" doesn't fit into the Knicks "rebuilding process." My question is...What rebuilding process??? I'm starting to wonder what project is going to get off the ground quicker, the Knicks...or the Freedom Tower?(or whatever its called now)

The Knicks aren't going to win right now...So why not sign a player whose career has never been about winning, but more about scoring records and other personal accolades.

A.I. is the perfect "answer" for the Knicks right now...Dude can still shoot the ball, and for the first time in a long time, he would give the Knicks a legitimate superstar, and future hall of famer on their roster. Not to mention he would come on the cheap.

Yes I know...Iverson is a ball hog, and he gives out less dimes than a rich snob on a New York City street, but at the very least you have to figure he would have given the MSG faithful something they haven't had in while...Entertainment.

But, Alas...Once again Donnie Walsh has proven he just doesnt quite get it. Knicks fans know, they understand the importance of the summer of 2010...But they also want to feel as if they are getting at least a little something in return when they pay the big bucks to go to The Garden to catch a Knickerbocker's game.

I'm not trying to say Iverson would have saved the Knicks...because he most defiantly wouldn't have, but I think he could have helped. The Knicks wouldn't have had to pay that much, and if he had panned out, and if the summer of 2010 pans out like the gold rush, maybe AI could have returned next year and the Knicks would have at least been able to figure in the Eastern Conference playoff picture.

So the Knicks are left without "The Answer." They know the question, I think all of New York knows the question...When will New York get their answer?

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