Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Lemme tell ya this is the new Jerry Springer...Perhaps even better. You all might remember Steve Wilkos as the Mr. Clean look-a-like security guard on Jerry's old show. Well looks like he's got his own spin off show on the "CW." The same punk ass bitches, but a new and better host. I turned on the TV this morning, and the Steve Wilkos show was on...I can't get enough, shit is legit. Unlike that pussy Springer, Wilkos gets into the face of all these dudes and punks em all. Best part of the show...Anytime Steve makes a point, or has a witty remark, the whole crowd erupts in a boisterous "STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE" chant. Simply amazing,a must watch.

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