Good afternoon to all you Improp readers. I will introduce myself as the Empire. I’ve been closely following, and may I add, enjoying the posts from The Improper Sportsonian. The only problem I have run into is, WHERE'S ALL THE NY COVERAGE?? This is where I fit in. I have joined the Improp team and I’m here to bring some changes to the flow of the site. Now Boston fans don’t get too scared, the World Series is a thing of the past… Well to you that is. YANKEES!!
On another note however, I will not constantly bash the Sox and the other New England teams you have to offer. I am simply here to bring a New Yorker Aspect into the picture. Look at it as a continuation to the greatest rivaly in sports history. I respect Boston, and would like to congratulate you on your impressive decade. We will touch on that subject more tomorrow. I would like to treat this site as an attempt to peacefully argue and debate over our two cities and its teams. I have much more that I would also like to offer, and I hope to invite all my fellow New York Fans to join us here and celebrate the Rivaly that is NEW YORK Vs. BOSTON!
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