Friday, November 27, 2009

Giants Suck, McDaniels Fired Up, NFL Network is a Joke

There are two things I absolutely cant stand. Watching a football game on NFL Network is one of them. The other, waiting all day in anticipation for the Giants to play, only to see them get blown out of the water, on NFL Network. What a way to ruin the end of my great Thanksgiving day. I just want to note, the only good thing the NFL Network has ever brought to the table is the scouting combine. That's It.

As far as the game, there's really nothing much to talk about. I'm not going to go into stats and get all in depth cause there's not much there. I'd only be talking about the Broncos stats cause they were the only team that had decent ones. The Giants couldn't run the ball to save their lives, Eli looked like a rookie again afraid to throw the ball. It amazes me how hot and cold he can be at times. He goes from winning a Superbowl to looking like he might not be able to hang in a pick up game at your local YMCA.

Held to just 6 points, the offense was a joke. The defense wasn't that much better. In the first quarter, the Broncos had the ball within field goal range on a fourth and 5 and they chose to go for it, and picked up the first down. That's when I knew it was going to be a long night.

One of the only bright moments from the game was the video I posted above where Broncos Head Coach Josh McDaniels is absolutely tearing into his team, on live TV. Good job by the NFL Network to censor that out, really professional. I don't know why I'm hating on them so much, I just cant stand the network, the announcers, and I'm in a bad mood cause the Giants lost. I mean like, on a scale of 1 to Chris Brown, I'm Rihanna in court mad.

This loss really hurts the Giants playoff chances, especially with the Cowboys, and Green Bay winning. It puts them into 3rd place in the NFC east no matter what Philly does on Sunday cause they have the tiebreak. The only thing that could save them is the fact that besides the big 3 in the NFC (NO, MIN, DAL) everyone else is pretty average to terrible. The Packers and Eagles would have the wild card if the season ended today with the Giants just on the outside. If they don't start playing better real fast, they should get going on reserving tee times come January.


1 comment:

Wesley Sykes said...

First of all, Eli did not win that Super Bowl--the Giants front 7 and the gum on David Tyree's helmet won it. Secondly, Belichick had to have taught McDaniels those big boy words. That young boy has a mouth on him.