Saturday, November 14, 2009

Reporter posterizes toddler then taunts him

This brings new meaning to the phrase, "Pick on someone your own size." The guy obviously had one or two swirlies in his childhood. Why else would he take pride out of dunking on a 5-year-old? My guess? He probably was the chubby pizza-faced tuba player in high school. His father probably said the say thing to him; "Kids these days need to toughen up!"...right before he folded his belt up.

The guy obviously felt bad, but there's no coming back from something like that. Especially when he tried to sell with the "toughen up" bit. That just dug him deeper. It was hilarious for me, probably horrifying for him. And on a strictly athletic level...he had good form, and it was a solid follow through on the dunk. I'm just saying..

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