I don’t think there’s any debating the fact that the New York Yankees were hands down the top team baseball wise in the nineties. There could however be a little more of a debate if you were to get into this past decade that is about to come to an end. With the ultimate goal at the end of every season of being the World Series Champs, there are only two team who accomplished the feat twice. What do you know, the Yankees and the Red Sox. With our latest, and 27th may I add, the Pinstripes can now claim the title, team of the 2000’s. Don’t agree with me? I don’t see how you would be able to consider it anyone else…
1. As I stated previously the only two teams that have multiple championships in this decade are us and Boston. So neither team takes it on that alone. Yes I’m so overjoyed for you Boston fans that you got the chance to finally see what it is like to win one in your lifetime but that alone doesn’t make one World Series win greater than another. If I have to hear one more person even utter the words “buy a Championship” I might lose it. Sorry that we have fans that sell out every single home game, we are one of the most widely recognized sports franchises in the world and we have money to spend in return. There is no salary cap in baseball, any team could do the same thing. We aren’t breaking any rules by spending the money we have. Boston of all teams shouldn’t be the ones running their mouths about spending money. Just because Theo spends his time shopping in the off-season at TJ-MAXX, doesn’t mean you have the right to bitch. (thanks RPL) I heard Smoltz is interested in coming back for another year, give him one more shot Bosox.
2. Now that we have that out of the way lets let the numbers talk and decide who really is the team of the decade:
Best of the Decade? | YANKEES | BOSTON |
World Series Championships | 2 | 2 |
Playoff Wins | 53 | 34 |
Playoff Appearances | 9 | 6 |
World Series Appearances | 4 | 2 |
A.L. East Titles | 8 | 1 |
Regular Season Avg. Win % | .597 | .568 |
Total Category Wins | 5 | 0 |
Now please forgive me if I’m leaving anything out that may be considered when judging a teams overall performance throughout a decade. Please feel free to leave me any comments on anything I missed.
I’m sick of hearing all the talk about how you had two World Series wins this decade and all that garbage. The numbers are right there plain and simple. I said many times, congrats on your 04 and 07 seasons, but besides that id have to say we got your number. Better luck in the 2010’s!
what about the fact that red sox had the best come back in baseball history to win the alcs over the yankees?
-your favorite red sox fan :)
Who cares about that... should we talk about 2003? Aaron Boone ring a bell? The numbers don't lie
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