Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Charles Rogers Fiesta Has Hit Rockbottom...

Who ever said NFL draft busts were worthless? They sure as hell make for a good story, actually, more like a sad story. Charles Rogers, former #2 overall pick by the Detroit Lions has been arrested...AGAIN. Rogers fell asleep in a mexican restaurant on Tuesday, and was subsequently arrested.

Now normally Johnny Law doesn't go around arresting folk for falling asleep at a tex-mex, but when your enrolled in a sobriety court program like Rogers is they make special circumstances for ya. Rogers was so liqueured up and non-responsive that restaurant employees thought he had a heart attack, and was possibly dead.

This is truly a very sad story. You can say what you want about Rogers....Hes a bust, he lacks heart, no drive, but when a person sinks this low its tough not to feel for them. Some people just have problems with drugs and alcohols, they have their demons, and their vices, and they cant do anything about it. You just hope they can get the help they need.

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