Thursday, January 28, 2010

It will clean my what?

Now we’re all used to seeing all Axe's corny commercials on tv dealing with their hair gel body wash and all that. I'm not going to lie and I know the rest of you guys out there can't either, at one point or another you have definitely owned an Axe product. We all get lazy before class and don’t want to shower some mornings, no problem, Axe shower and your good to go.

This ad however brings things to a whole new level. Clearly we aren’t going to be seeing this one on TV anytime soon but it almost borders awkward. The part where the brunette plays with the golf balls for about 30 seconds just starts to get a little bit weird. It is definitely clever and pretty hilarious but it is definitely a strange idea for the company to have gone through with.

If I’m not mistaken, that’s like 100 percent Jamie Presley from my name is earl correct? I know the video isn’t the best quality but that’s definitely her. They must have had to pay an assload to get her to do this commercial and it will probably never hit the air. None the less, I’m on my way to the store now to pick one of these suckers up, I haven't showered in days.

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