Thursday, January 14, 2010

Talk about a one sided affair!

I mean, mismatch doesn’t even really do this fight justice. It was in last nights Canucks-Wild game. There was a fight right before this one in the same period and the teams were going at each other all night, but this was the main event for sure. It featured Alexandre Bolduc and John Scott. To take a line from Grandma's Boy, this fight was like if Tyson were to fight a baby. Scott stands at a mind blowing 6'8", add skates to that and this guy is a 7 foot monster. I do have to hand it to Bolduc however, he did challenge him, but he is a Hockey player, he must not have been thinking straight. What’s even more stupid, Bolduc was the one who took off his helmet first and suggested it. That’s some balls right there, good old fashion Hockey fighting. This one however, probably didn't end up the way Bolduc had envisioned it going in his head before the bout.

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