Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Glen Davis: "I'm no big baby"

Yahoo!Sports.com- After getting fined for the second time this season — the latest for cursing out a heckling fan — Celtics forward Glen "Big Baby" Davis admits it's time to grow up. His plan: Retire the sippy cup, graduate to a "big boy bed," and drop the immature nickname.

"I've been called 'Big Baby' all through my life," Davis said Monday. "But I'm going through changes. I'm in a cocoon and I'm coming out a different player, a different person. Basically, the new person is growth. I'm shedding that 'Big Baby' and you can see something else, not the past."

Davis requested that fans should give him new nickname suggestions via his Twitter page (@GlenDavisNBA). But when The Boston Metro's Jeff Howe suggested "Uno Uno" — Spanish for Davis' No. 11 jersey and in the spirit of Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochicinco — the 24-year-old erupted in delight.

It's about fucking time Glen. You were a pivotal part of the playoffs the last two years and you have showed us nothing but temper tantrums since. Get your act together. I'm glad it's starting with the nickname. It's a good nickname but sometimes you have got to start fresh. Isn't that right Mike Vick and Pacman Jones?

But "Uno Uno?" C'mon, Glen that's not even clever. Leave the Spanish numbers to Ochocinco or Jonathan Papelbon. If you had a great nickname like Big Baby before, you can't downgrade to a shittier name. Honestly, I'd wipe my ass with the nickname Uno Uno. Whoever thought that up deserves to get a swirly--ol' skool style.

Of course, he wouldn't have to change his nickname if he wasn't such a dumbass. Glen Davis is one of the rare cases, where he actually is dumber than he looks--which takes some effort. Maybe if he wasn't breaking his hand due to fights and telling fans to suck his dick, he wouldn't be in this cocoon. In honor of the the Big Baby's maturation, here are some of my favorite Big Baby moments.

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