Saturday, December 12, 2009

And the first pick in the 2010 NBA draft is...

John Wall...Point Guard...Kentucky...Why you might ask? Well of course its because Lebron James says so. After Friday nights Cavs games James said of Wall "He's great...He will be the #1 pick in the draft." Lebron went on to give his reasons for this prediction, all very valid, and I totally agree with LBJ that Wall will end up being the first selection in next springs NBA draft--My only question, why is this news? Like why does Lebron James prediction of next years NBA draft belong as one of the lead stories on Lebron James might be "The King," but enough is enough...can the media get off his dick already. Lets not forget that this guy still hasn't won a title, and chances are hes not winning one in Cleveland this year. So until LBJ starts has his own psychic hot line like Miss Cleo these types of stories should be left as side notes in the world of sports.

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