Monday, December 21, 2009

Stay Classy Fox News

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Gretchen Carlson Dumbs Down
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Now let me start off first by saying, I'm usually not one to get into politics and all that garbage. I'll voice my opinion here and there and I'm not a moron I know whats going on in the world. I support Obama and I'm not ashamed to say it, considering you guys just had a great run with George W. Give the man some time he wasn't really dealt a full house when he took over, he walked into this not caused it, remember that. Everyone's bitching how he hasn't "accomplished" anything yet. It's been a year people, clam down give the man some time, hes running our country, not your local dairy queen.

This is just something I was watching and I had to share cause its the exact reasons I can't stand and absolutely despise Fox News and all the right wing wackos that worship it. Now I'm not taking about republicans in general I respect your choice of opinion, I'm talking your loser's Glenn Beck, Gretchen Carlson, Rush Limbaugh types. They blab on about anything they can get their hands on whether its true or not. Example, nice poll to start off this video clip. I forgot shit adds up to 120 percent in polls these days. I'm not going into things any further cause like I said, I respect the views of the right side at times, give for example my co-worker and Eskimo brother Writer X who displays himself with class and dignity. I just can't say the same for the joke of a network Fox News has become.

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