Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Blackest White Kid You Know presents: Ho Ho Hoes!

Ye keep doin' what you're doing, White Boy, ye! The holiday season hits da hood and the Blackest White Kid You Know will not be in a Chinese restaurant sifting through egg rolls and spare ribs. Nor will he be in afro-centric robes celebrating God-knows-what on Kwanzaa. No. The Blackest White Kid You Know is down with Kris Kross Kringle and his conglomerate fo' real. And this week the BWKYK is bringing y'all some Christmas heat to melt away your holiday beef.

My main reindeer Blitzen, has been straight up trippin' that the dude Santa has been chillin' with LeBron and Kobe while all the elves and reindeer are doin' all da work. Man dat's racist! Blitzen unleashed a can of whoop ass to Santa, Kobe, Bron-Bron and anyone else who thinks their game is da trufus, roofus. Check it out!

Wait, wait...there's more! This just in Santa spits straight fire back at Blitzen! Hold your wallets, we got a rap battle y'all! Where's the 40's of OE when you need them?


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