Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gatorade cutting the "Tiger" line

A few days ago I promised myself I was gonna leave the Tiger Woods scandal alone--I thought it had enough coverage, and it wasn't personally effecting me, so why bother. While now things have changed, and the scandal has finally hit home. The trade publication Beverage Digest reported in its November 25th issue that Gatorade has decided to cut its "Tiger" thirst quencher line. The report was confirmed by Gatorade today. According to Gatorade the decision was made before the car accident but after the National Enquirer story that suggested Woods was having an affair. So lemme see if I get this-- Gatorade execs can tell the future? If they can that's amazing, but at this point irrelevant to the important matter at hand--with that said, I gotta hit up all the 7-11's, Supermarkets, and Bodegas on Long Island and stock up--and trust me I will shank someone for a 32oz Cool Fusion.

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