Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just Another Day at the "Jersey Shore"

Pickle-licking and pinkeye. This shit just keeps getting better. I'm not sure how everyone else feels about this show, but MTV has struck gold! Give the creator of this show the Nobel prize or some shit because this is pure genius. Just when The Real World and The Ruins were on life support, they created a new monster! Why look around the country for seven shitheads, when there's a plethora of them sitting in MTV's backyard? And I must say it has played out quite handsomely. The "Jersey Shore" has garnered more attention than adults finding out about Sex Messaging.

Personally, I DVR the shit out of this show. I can't get enough of it. Although if I really wanted to watch the show all I have to do is walk around the Student Center of Hofstra for 30 minutes...and there's no commercials. Just an uninterrupted half hour of pure Guido gold. It's like studying children with Down Syndrome for me.

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