Tuesday, December 8, 2009

TigerGate Breaking News

It's more of the same old drama that has seemed to latch on to Tiger Wood's life ball and chain as of late. This morning just minutes ago, it was reported that firefighters and paramedics responded to a call from Tiger's house in Florida at 2:36 a.m. As of right now, they are not sure who, but a blonde woman was transported on a stretcher from his house and video has surfaced of that woman arriving to the Hospital. She was transported on "advanced life support". Minutes later reporters said they saw a black SUV, similar to the one Woods was driving the night of his accident, arrive at the Hospital.

As of right now, those are the only details that are being released on the news. This comes just days after it has been reported that Tiger was treated for some type of overdose following his accident. His wife reported that he was prescribed both ambien and vicodin. It also has been rumored that his wife Elin is leaving Tiger, and she has purchased a home in her Native Sweeden.

I know we said we were going to stay away from all this TigerGate until something worth writing came up. Well it looks like shit is about to hit the fan right now. What is going on in this guys life? Upwards of 10 girls have come out in less than 2 weeks claiming that they slept with you. What did you expect that you were going to be able to keep all of them quiet? I have no idea why you even got married in the first place, biggest mistake you could have ever made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

surprisingly, even with all the media hype, tiger is still sub-par.