Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Christmas Story; Celtics win, Lakers embarrassed

There was just so much great TV on yesterday, it really made my long for a DVR at home--or at least more than one TV. Between midnight on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I make a concerted effort to watch A Christmas Story at the very least 3-4 times. It's a Christmas tradition, like yuletide logs and egg nog!

But I bring up A Christmas Story because, aside from being my favorite Christmas movie, there are a few parallels from the movie and the games that were played on the 25th. The Boston Celtics received the Leg Lamp Award for beating the Orlando Magic in Orlando without Paul Pierce. The joy that overcame Ralphie's father when he pried open that over-sized wooden crate that read "FRAGILE" to reveal a well-toned leg with high heels and fish-net stockings, that's how I felt when I watched Rajon Rondo single-handedly take the game over. The Magic, one of the two other teams that will challenge the C's in the east, were looking to have an early Christmas dinner with Paul Pierce out, like those damned dogs who devoured the Parker's holiday turkey. But the Celtic's defense came to play, however, holding the Magic to a 33.3% shooting--worthy of a stocking full of coal! But the story was Rondo, who had to be on Santa's nice list. He dropped 17 points, 13 rebounds and 8 assists while posting an astounding +9 point differential when he was on the court.

Like I predicted when the news broke about the Pierce injury, the Celtics struggled to score points. However it was their staunch defense that left the Magic frustrated all night long. The Leg Lamp was short-lived as it was "mysteriously" broken one night in A Christmas Story. Well in last night's game, another type of leg may be hurting. Kevin Garnett left the game in the fourth quarter with an apparent knee injury, but it is unknown if it was just soarness or something more. He looked to be in a good amount of pain. So let's hope KG's knee is just a little sore. Regardless the C's are the recipient of the Leg Lamp Award. It's a major award!

The second award of the night, the You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Award, goes to the Los Angeles Lakers and the Laker fans. With the way the Lakers played last night, you would have thought they were Jewish! Ha! But the Lakers get the You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Award because they did exactly that: shot their own eye out. They were 36% from the floor while turning the ball over 14 times. If the Lakers shot their left eye out, then their fans shot out their right one. After the Lakers laid an egg on the court against the Cleveland LeBrons, their fans began booing their team and throwing foam fingers on the court. LeBron even said he saw full water bottles on the court. Hardly the way you act on Christmas. Santa Claus would be very disappointed.

When you're trying to make the argument that your team is the best, getting rowdy on Christmas is not the way to do it. Look at how Ralphie got his Red Rider BB gun: He made his case to everyone he possibly could--his mom, dad, Santa Claus, even his teacher--and was a good little boy. Well the Lakers' fans must have never seen A Christmas Story because they did not act like good little boys and girls. If you're the reigning NBA Champion, you should carry yourself with a little more class than that--and the fans are included in that sentiment.

Christmas and sports: one of the all-time great hook-ups because you can't watch A Christmas Story for 24 straight hours. But who says you can't try!

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