Friday, December 4, 2009

Does this mean Barack cheats on Michelle?

Tiger tip #1...Don't leave a creepy voicemail on your lovers phone--especially if the woman happens to be a reality TV wack-a-do who will save the voicemail and sell it to the highest bidder when sh*t hits the fan. This is the cover of the January 2010 issue of Golf Digest that has already hit newsstands, and according to CNBC Golf Digest has no plans of yanking it. Funny thing about it, well beyond the obvious--It appears that this image is photoshopped....Like c'mon Golf Digest you want to have this mega cover with the worlds most powerful man, and one of the worlds most popular athletes and you cant even get em together for one little photo shoot. I mean god knows Obama is playing enough golf--According to some reports the Big O is hitting the links twice a week. Honestly this probably wont even hurt sales for Golf Digest, it may actually help them. You all know those TMZ, Perez Hilton reading celebrity stalking nut jobs have already scooped up there copies.

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