Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Who does USC think they are?

Can someone please tell me who USC thinks they are acting like this? Your already up 21-7 with 44 seconds left, the game is in the bag. I don't so much mind the deep pass to make it 28-7, but the celebration after, completely unnecessary. Your jumping around like you just won the Rose Bowl or something. Which, may I remind you, you aren't even playing in this year, and your not even playing for a Pac-10 championship on Saturday. Yea okay I understand this is a cross town rivalry and it's a big game for you guys but really? It's UCLA, your expected to win this game. Can someone please remind these morons that the week before this game they were absolutely embarrassed by Stanford by 34 points? A few weeks before that you got your asses handed to you by Oregon. And the worst part of your pathetic underachieving season, you lost to Washington. They didn't even win a single game last season and they are only 4-7 this year. I hope you feel really good about yourselves acting like a bunch of thugs jumping up and down on the sideline like you won something. You might be playing for the Meineke Car Car Bowl championship if your lucky enough to get such a good game.

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